Archive for May 18th, 2009

Quick update…

I have been terrible at blogging the past few days!  That’s mostly due to the fact that I haven’t done any training since last week.  My weekend was pretty hectic and busy, so I knew I’d be hard-pressed to get any workouts in.  Friday was my brother’s college graduation ceremony followed by a party at my parents’ house to celebrate.  I was there relatively late, so no time to go to the gym.  Saturday morning Curtis and I went scuba diving- the water was freezing!  It was only about 48F at 30 feet.  After scuba, we grabbed a bite to eat, then were going to go for a bike ride.  We had to change a flat tire first, which took a little time.  When we finished, we realized the wheel was no longer true, but since we were only going to go for a short ride anyways, we decided to risk riding on it.  Unfortunately, we never got the chance.  As soon as we wheeled our bikes outside, we heard thunder.  Then more thunder.  We decided it really wasn’t safe to ride, and put our bikes away.  Sunday was more scuba diving.  Then we went and checked out the house we’re living in after our leases are up.  Needless to say, there was not a lot of extra time for working out over the weekend, and to be honest, I was so exhausted by the end of it, I’m not sure I would have had the energy anyways.

Today, I got back to my scheduled weight training.  I started off with a 15 minute warm-up on the treadmill.  I ran about 1.2 miles in 11 minutes, then walked for another 4 minutes.  Strength training started out with the usual core exercises.  Then our full body routine for the day.  I felt ok at lifting today, but I didn’t have a stellar day. I’m feeling a little stagnant on the weight training front, but we’re switching up routines in the next week, so hopefully that’ll help stimulate me.

I’m really looking forward to tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be nice, so I’m going to try and take advantage of it with a nice long bike ride.  Now that the Biggest Loser is over, I don’t have anything to rush home to on Tuesdays.  I’ll update my training schedule for the week tomorrow.

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