Archive for June 16th, 2011

So Little Time

I’ve realized how much I have to get done before we move in July, and it is not pretty. I have so much to do in the next five weeks and only three weeks to actually do it! I’m going to be away for two weeks of my remaining time in this house so I am short on time in getting everything packed, sorted and labeled appropriately. We have accumulated so much stuff over the past two years that I barely knew how to start. I decided tackling one room at a time would probably be the best approach so I started in my “office” that I rarely use but has mountains of stuff in it. Mostly it has all my hundreds of books (= many heavy boxes) and important documents and old photos and mementos. There’s lots of room for purging. I started today and have already mostly filled one black garbage bag and I haven’t even tackled the closet yet! One of my goals for this week was to completely pack that room and tomorrow is going to be a marathon day for packing. I think I’ll do the guest bedroom next, and pack all my winter clothes and extra bedding. I’ve never packed for a move this far before. Most of my moves have been short distances allowing multiple trips. This is a take it or leave it all in one go type of affair.
Tomorrow I plan to take a break from the packing extravaganza for a lifting session and maybe a run. Have a great Friday!

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