Archive for October, 2009

NROL4W and Foam Rolling

I decided a little weight lifting would do me good today, so after taking the dog out to play for awhile I headed to the gym.  My brother went home sick from his high school today, so I wanted to avoid working out at my parents’ house.  I did the workout a little out of order because all the squat racks were in use when I got there so this is my modified routine:

A1. Step-up – 2 sets of 10 reps @ 25 lbs dumbbells with 75s RI

A2. Dumbbell one-point row – 2 sets of 10 reps @ 25 lbs dumbbells with 75s RI

B. Front squat / push press – 2 sets of 10 reps @ 45 lbs (bar) with 75s RI

C1. Static lunge with rear foot elevated – 2 sets of 10 reps @25 lbs dumbbells with 75s RI

C2. Push-ups – 2 sets of 10 reps @ body weight with 75s RI

D1. Plank – 2 sets of 60s @ body weight with 75s RI

D2. Horizontal wood chop – 2 sets of 10 reps @ 40 lbs with 75s RI

I felt really strong doing all these.  I am really amazed by how far I’ve come in my ability to do push-ups over the last year.  I hardly felt fatigued at all doing 10, which probably means I should start doing harder variations of them.

After I finished my workout, I took advantage of the foam roller at the gym and rolled out my IT band.  Wow! My right side was so painful.  I could hardly complete the roll up near my hip.  I’ve been thinking my knee pain may be related to IT band issues, and this makes me even more convinced.  I am calling my primary care doctor tomorrow to make an appointment to hopefully get a referral to a sports doc or to get an answer to my pain!  It’s driving me crazy and making me not want to run, which does not help me reach my goals for next year at all.  Hopefully they’ll get me in soon, but I know they’re super-busy with the flu outbreaks.  Fingers crossed that I get a quick appointment and it’s something easy to treat!

Edit: I have heart rate stats for my workout!

Duration: 48:58

Max heart rate: 193

Average heart rate: 155

Calories: 455


Guilty of Blog Neglect

Hello blog world.  I can’t believe I haven’t posted since the Nation’s Tri.  Since then I’ve done one 5K (finish time 29:50) a little running and weight lifting twice a week.  I’ve also done a lot of dog walking and playing with the girl.  Part of the reason I’ve not done any run training as planned is that my knee has been giving me pain off and on.  It started before the tri and has not gotten much better unless I completely rest it.  I guess it’s time to go to a sports doc and see what the deal is.  I’m going to try and be better about blogging a bit more.  I’ve been keeping up with my blogroll, but been terrible about commenting.

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